Calculating percentages can be a tricky concept, but once you understand the basics it can actually be quite simple. Knowing how to calculate what percentage of a certain number is another important skill to have. In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing how to calculate what percentage of 48 is 30.
How to Calculate What Percentage of 48 is 30
In order to calculate what percentage of 48 is 30, we need to first understand the basics of how percentages work. The key equation to remember is that the percentage is the number divided by the total, multiplied by 100. So, if we want to calculate the percentage of 48 that is 30, we would take 30 divided by 48, and then multiply by 100. This would give us the answer of 62.5%.
Example Problem
Let’s look at an example problem to better illustrate how to calculate what percentage of 48 is 30. Let’s say we have a circle and we want to calculate what percentage of it is shaded in. If the circle is 48 units wide and the shaded area is 30 units wide, then we can use the equation we discussed above to calculate the percentage. We would take 30 divided by 48 and then multiply by 100, giving us the answer of 62.5%.
People Also Ask
What is 30 percent of 48?
The answer to this question is 14.4. To calculate this you would take 30 percent of 48 by multiplying 30 by 48 and then dividing by 100. This would give you the answer of 14.4.
How do you calculate percentage of a number?
To calculate the percentage of a number, you would use the equation of the percentage being the number divided by the total, multiplied by 100. So, if you want to calculate the percentage of a certain number, you would take that number divided by the total number, and then multiply by 100.
What is 48% of 30?
The answer to this question is 14.4. To calculate this you would take 48 percent of 30 by multiplying 48 by 30 and then dividing by 100. This would give you the answer of 14.4.
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In order to calculate the percent of two numbers, you would use the equation of the percentage being the number divided by the total, multiplied by 100. So, if you want to calculate the percentage of two numbers, you would take the first number divided by the second number, and then multiply by 100.
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To calculate the percentage increase of two numbers, you would first subtract the first number from the second number. Then, divide the result by the first number, and then multiply by 100. This will give you the percentage increase between the two numbers.
Now that you know how to calculate what percentage of 48 is 30, you should be able to calculate percentages with ease. Just remember to use the equation of the percentage being the number divided by the total, multiplied by 100, and you’ll be able to solve any percentage problem you come across.